It has taken me awhile to get to this... here it is...
-Any sort of physical activity. I love running, rollerblading, biking, hiking, repelling, kayaking, working out, being outdoors/camping etc.
-Spending quality time with friends and family
-Having a fun discussion with someone new
-body of water, particularly ocean
-body of water, particularly ocean
-snakes, scorpions and I can't stand spiders (I have a scar on my face from when I was in 5th grade. I woke up one morning and this huge bump on my left cheek developed into a scab etc. Now a scar- from a spider biting me in the night - EW I know, so I immediately kill spiders when I see them, I can't help it, they creep me out)
-to lose at least 40 more pounds (lost 9 already)
-to finish the Disneyland Half Marathon (8/31/08) in at least 3 hours (participants have to finish before 3 1/2 hours or you're out of the race)
-to read all of my 11 library books by June 30, when they're due. I'm sure I'll renew at least 1-3, but I hope I won't need to, LOL ;)
-protein shake each day before work, or after run
-fruits/veggies for snacks at work now
-training for half marathon
-ok this may be gross to some, but I can go about 4-5 days without washing my hair. (I'll still shower, with my hair pulled up) I've found that powder eliminates any oil issues. If you put some baby powder in your hands, rub together, then run fingers through oily areas of hair, it eliminates the oil and vwala... hair no look dirty!! tee hee I can make my hair go longer without having to be washed and I can get ready quicker! Plus it's better for your hair to not wash so often. Better for the scalp too. The shampoos/conditioners actually dry out the scalp. When I learned about this, I started washing my hair less, and because I color my hair, the powder also eliminates the look of roots sometimes, esp on dirty hair, and the color lasts longer, doesn't fade as quick. Also dirty hair is so much easier to style. Lol.
-I don't know if this is very surprising or not, but I don't get embarrassed. Not by the typical things anyway. Things that would usually embarrass someone don't embarrass me. Now if it has anything to do with my personal character or who I am, then yes. But if someone wanted to show up and do something terribly stupid in front of other people or try to make me look foolish, by spotlighting me or something, I could really care-less. I would just look at the other person as if they're the stupid one. LOL. Typical, farting -belching - dumb behavioral body issues, everyone does it, doesn't embarrass me. And believe me, I've done those everywhere you can imagine already anyway. Been there done that. Fallen on my ass, face, peed my pants in public, big huge blood spot on white pants on back of me at work, whatever... done that too. If it's usually embarrassing, I've already done it or had it done to me. Besides, I could care less what other people think anyway -tee hee.
-I have a very very very weak stomach and yet super curious all the time. So I'll watch those gross surgery documentaries on tv, and it's all disgusting as hell, and I want to watch it, while I'm gagging and often running to the bathroom... but hurry and come back cuz I wanna see what's going on. I'm weird like that ;)
Hmmm, who all reads my blog, the ones who already blogged me Spencer/Merrianne -but hey it was Spencer who tagged me, so M-girl you're next, even though you just did one from someone else tagging you. Wendy, cuz, I know you'll read this. And um, I don't know who else reads this LOL. That may be all. I'll leave the third one to whoever else reads this and wants to post this tag! Have at it! : )
YOU ARE SO AWESOME CHRISTY!!! I loved Reading This!!!!!!!!
ha ha ha haaaaaaa!!!!
I'll work on this later. =)
Hey Christy you're so funny. I didn't think you were afraid of heights but then Merrianne reminded me of the time we went repelling and you were stuck and very upset.
That is a very interesting hair fact with the baby powder .... can't say that i can try it because i'm bald right now. Good summer doo.
I hope you'll be able to make the half marathon... good luck.
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